If you are concerned about your own safety, or that of anyone in your family, and need immediate assistance, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department. If you or anyone in your family is in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts, here are some services and resources to call upon.
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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
24/7 Crisis Line. www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Calls are directed to a trained crisis counselor in the state or region where you live.
Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 then press 1
National Crisis Text Line: 741741 (VT: Text VT to 741741 – NY: Text NY to 741741)
Free, 24/7 crisis support by trained crisis counselor.
You get an automated text response first, and then a response from a counselor. They work
with you until you feel calmer and have a positive plan for next steps.
The Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386
Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, and questioning) youth.
Text: 678-678
The Trevor Project:
211 Help and Referral Service
Provides live referral help to public and private, state, and community health and mental
health services.
Vermont: Dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in Vermont.www.vermont211.org
New York: Dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in New York state.www.211nys.org
Information from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention https://afsp.org